Parable Of Minas

Parable Of MinasSource:

The Parable of Minas is a biblical story told in Luke 19:11-27. It is also known as the Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25:14-30. The parable tells the story of a man who goes away on a journey and leaves his servants with different amounts of money. When he returns, he asks what they have done with the money.

What is a Mina?


A mina was a unit of currency in the ancient world. It was equivalent to about 100 denarii, which was the average daily wage for a laborer at the time. In the parable, the master gives his servants minas to invest while he is away.

The Parable

The ParableSource:

In the parable, the master gives one servant ten minas, another five, and another one. The first two servants invest the money and earn a profit, while the third servant buries the money in the ground. When the master returns, he is pleased with the first two servants and rewards them by putting them in charge of cities. However, he is angry with the third servant and takes away his mina and gives it to the servant who had ten.

The Meaning of the Parable

The Meaning Of The ParableSource:

The Parable of Minas teaches us several lessons. Firstly, it emphasizes the importance of using our resources wisely. Just as the master entrusted his servants with money, God has given us gifts and talents that we should use for His glory. Secondly, the parable teaches us that faithfulness is rewarded. The first two servants were faithful with what they were given, and they were rewarded with more responsibility. Lastly, the parable warns us against being lazy and not using our talents. The third servant was punished for his lack of action.

Application of the Parable

Application Of The ParableSource:

The Parable of Minas can be applied to our lives in several ways. Firstly, it reminds us that we have been given gifts and talents that we should use for God's glory. We should not bury them or waste them, but rather invest them and use them for His purposes. Secondly, the parable teaches us that we will be held accountable for how we use our resources. Just as the master returned and asked for an account of the money, God will one day ask us to give an account of how we used our gifts and talents. Lastly, the parable encourages us to be faithful with what we have been given. We may not have ten minas or five talents, but we can be faithful with what we have and trust God to reward us accordingly.


The Parable of Minas is a powerful reminder of the importance of using our resources wisely and being faithful with what we have been given. It teaches us that faithfulness is rewarded and laziness is punished. May we all use our gifts and talents for God's glory and be faithful with what we have been given.

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